In most of the European countries - France stands out in its resistance to this particular form of American cultural imperialism - the national film industries were forced onto the defensive after the war by such binding agreements.

Fredric Jameson
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  2. After all, if you do not resist the apparently inevitable, you will never know how inevitable the inevitable was. - Terry Eagleton

  3. God judges men from the inside out; men judge men from the outside in. Perhaps to God, an extreme mental patient is doing quite well in going a month without murder, for he fought his chemical imbalance and succeeded; oppositely, perhaps the healthy, able and... - Criss Jami

  4. Tension, in the long run, is a more dangerous force than any feud known to man. - Criss Jami

  5. If you were meant to cure cancer or crack cold fusion and you don't do it, you not only hurt yourself, even destroy yourself. You hurt your children, you hurt me, you hurt the planet. You shame the angels who watch over you and you... - Stephen Pressfield

More Quotes By Fredric Jameson
  1. The novel is.. the anti-form proper to modernity itself (which is to say, of capitalism and its cultural and epistemological categories, its daily life). This means.. that the novel is also a vehicle of creative destruction. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>Its function, in some properly capitalist ‘cultural...

  2. Someone once said that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. We can now revise that and witness the attempt to imagine capitalism by way of imagining the end of the world.

  3. Insofar as the theorist wins, therefore, by constructing an increasingly closed and terrifying machine, to that very degree he loses, since the critical capacity of his work is thereby paralysed, and the impulses of negation and revolt, not to speak of those of social transformation,...

  4. Žižek seems to have got Hitchcock out of his system, if not out of his unconscious–one never does that.

  5. In most of the European countries - France stands out in its resistance to this particular form of American cultural imperialism - the national film industries were forced onto the defensive after the war by such binding agreements.

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